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== What's New ==
== What's New ==
* '''[Software Release]''' [https://nees.org/groups/wireless_control_benchmark Benchmark Problem in Active Structural Control with Wireless Sensor Network].
* '''[News]''' [http://spectrum.ieee.org/podcast/at-work/test-and-measurement/smart-bridges Smart Bridges - Interview and Podcast on Cyber-Physical Systems for Resilient Bridges] [8/07/2013]
* '''[News]''' [http://spectrum.ieee.org/podcast/at-work/test-and-measurement/smart-bridges Smart Bridges - Interview and Podcast on Cyber-Physical Systems for Resilient Bridges] [8/07/2013]

Latest revision as of 14:34, 13 July 2015

Supported by NSF through the Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) Program

Example.jpg Example2.jpg Example3.jpg

What's New


The objective of this research is to develop wireless distributed monitoring and control systems to enhance the resiliency of our civil infrastructure. We employ a cyber-physical co-design approach that integrates wireless sensor-actuator networks and structural monitoring and control algorithms. The unified cyber-physical system architecture and abstractions employ reusable middleware services to develop hierarchical structural monitoring and control systems.

The intellectual merit of this multi-disciplinary research includes:

  • A unified middleware architecture and abstractions for hierarchical sensing and control;
  • A reusable middleware service library for hierarchical structural monitoring and control;
  • Customizable time synchronization and synchronized sensing routines;
  • A holistic energy management scheme that maps structural monitoring and control onto a distributed wireless sensor-actuator architecture;
  • Dynamic sensor and actuator activation strategies to optimize for the requirements of monitoring, computing, and control;
  • Deployment and empirical validation of structural health monitoring and control systems on representative lab structures and in-service multi-span bridges.

While the system constitutes a case study, it will enable the development of general principles that would be applicable to a broad range of engineering cyber-physical systems.

This research will result in a reduction in the lifecycle costs and risks related to our civil infrastructure. The multi-disciplinary team is disseminating results throughout the international research community through open-source software and sensor board hardware as well as international summer schools and workshops.




Ongoing Efforts

Wireless Cyber-Physical Simulator (WCPS)

  • A cyber-physical simulation framework combining state-of-the-art structural models and wireless networking simulation;
  • Open source software released at [1];
  • Enables realistic design and testing of wireless control systems;
  • Case studies on wireless structural control for a building and a bridge;
  • Representative paper: Realistic Case Studies of Wireless Structural Control, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS'13), April 2013.


Full Scale Truss Experiment on Distributed Damage Localization

Full Scale Truss.jpg

Jindo Bridge Monitoring

  • Field validation of wireless sensor-based monitoring of a cable-stayed bridge in Korea;
  • Long-term autonomous monitoring using 113 wireless smart sensors;
  • Establishment of an international testbed.


Monitoring Services Toolsuite

  • Modular, service-oriented software library for assembling scalable monitoring applications;
  • Core services: universal sensing, time synchronization, reliable communication, multi-hop routing, power management, numerical library;
  • Used by 75 groups in 15 countries.



WCPS: Wireless Cyber-Physical Simulator

  • See the WCPS page for the software release, tutorial and existing case studies.

Decentralized Damage Localization based on the DLAC Method

Illinois SHM Services Toolsuite



(Full list of publications)