Agilla Tutorial Lesson 2: Injecting an Agent

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Example Agilla agents can be found in $TOSROOT/contrib/wustl/apps/AgillaAgents. Read the README file within this directory for a description of each agent.

Configuring the AgentInjector

The AgentInjector searches for an file in the directory from which you launched it. This file may contain the following properties:

  • initDir specifies the directory that the open dialog should be at when it is opened for the first time.
  • defaultAgent specifies the agent that should be opened when the AgentInjector starts. This agent must be located in the initDir.
  • runTest specifies whether an experiment should be run. This is only used for debugging and evaluation purposes and should remain off in normal use.

Injecting an Agent

To inject an agent into the network, you have open them using the AgentInjector, and select the destination location.

Step 1: Run the Agent Injector

$ java edu.wustl.mobilab.agilla.AgentInjector -comm COM1:115200 -d