Seminar Fall 2015

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---August 20, 2015 ---

Seminar - Yunkun

Zaharia, Matei, et al. "Resilient distributed datasets: A fault-tolerant abstraction for in-memory cluster computing." Proceedings of the 9th USENIX conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation. USENIX Association, 2012.

Lab Meeting -Bo

---August 27, 2015 ---

Seminar - Chao

Kolchinsky, Ilya, Izchak Sharfman, and Assaf Schuster. "Lazy evaluation methods for detecting complex events." Proceedings of the 9th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems. ACM, 2015.

Lab Meeting -Chong

---September 3, 2015 ---

Seminar - Dee

TIIM: Technology-Independent Interference Mitigation for Low-power Wireless Networks, IPSN'15 paper

Lab Meeting -Jing

---September 10, 2015 ---

Seminar - Canceled

Lab Meeting -Yunkun

---September 17, 2015 ---

Seminar - Chong

Wormhole: Reliable Pub-Sub to support Geo-replicated Internet Services, Sharma, Yogeshwer, et al. NSDI'15 Paper

Lab Meeting -Chao

---September 24, 2015 ---

Seminar - Jing

Ousterhout, Kay, et al. "Sparrow: distributed, low latency scheduling." Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles. ACM, 2013. (SOSP 13)

Lab Meeting -Dee

---October 1, 2015 ---

Seminar - Yehan

Bonaci, Tamara, Junjie Yan, Jeffrey Herron, Tadayoshi Kohno, and Howard Jay Chizeck. "Experimental analysis of denial-of-service attacks on teleoperated robotic systems." In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Sixth International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, pp. 11-20. ACM, 2015.

Lab Meeting - Canceled

---October 22, 2015 ---

Seminar - Haoran

Hyoseung Kim. *. Shige Wang. †. Raj Rajkumar. *. General Motors R&D. vMPCP: A Synchronization Framework for Multi-Core Virtual Machines(paper). RTSS 2014.

Lab Meeting -Jing

---October 29, 2015 ---

Seminar - Yunkun

Heinze, Thomas, et al. "Online parameter optimization for elastic data stream processing." Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing. ACM, 2015.

Lab Meeting -Yehan

---November 5, 2015 ---

Seminar - Dee

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

Lab Meeting -Jing

---November 12, 2015 ---

Seminar - Chao

The Cadena Architecture In particular, this paper: Jung, Georg, and John Hatcliff. "A type-centric framework for specifying heterogeneous, large-scale, component-oriented, architectures." Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Generative programming and component engineering. ACM, 2007. link

Lab Meeting -Chong

---November 19, 2015 ---

Seminar - Haoran

Ye Li, Richard West, Zhuoqun Cheng and Eric Missimer, "Predictable Communication and Migration in the Quest-V Separation Kernel", in Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Rome, Italy, December 2-5, 2014 paper

Lab Meeting -Yunkun

---December 3, 2015 ---

Seminar - Jing

Sigrist, Lukas, et al. "Mixed-criticality runtime mechanisms and evaluation on multicores." Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), 2015 IEEE. IEEE, 2015. paper

Lab Meeting -Chao