Medical WSNs

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  • reliability
  • privacy and security
  • power management - not all devices are battery powered
  • diversity - both a challenge and an opportunity
  • fast deployment - disaster recovery scenarios

Medical modalities






Project Domain Network Architecture Devices Sensors Provides
Code Blue Patient monitoring Flat architecture, just looks at collection Motes SpO2, HR, EKG, motion Patient monitoring, Reliable Routing, Localization
AID-N Disaster recovery - Triage Two-tier architecture, 802.15.4 and 802.11 Motes, PDAs SpO2, HR, ECG Patient monitoring, Continuous monitoring of triage levels
SMART disaster recovery, triage 802.11b PDAs SpO2, ECG from MIT vitals monitoring, analysis & alarms, localization
Patient Centric Network Project Signal processing algorithms
LACE: Laboratory for Assisted Cognition Environments Assisted living X X X


  • AMDR Routing:
    • support for pub/sub
    • routing state proportional to the # of publishers (an entry in the table for each publisher)
    • route discovery initiated when a device requests to publish data, requires flooding
    • a subscriber that wants to receive data from a channel sends a route reply on the reverse path (handles asymmetric links)
    • routes are updated through periodic floods (every 15s)
    • negative results on mobility
    • path metric (PDR)
      • for each link, estimate LDR by mapping the measured LQI to a link delivery estimator. This model is determined empirically.
      • PDR is the product of all LDRs of the links along the path
    • see CodeBlue Technical Report


Scalable Medical Alert Response Technology (SMART)


Good background section.


  1. Curtis DW, Pino EJ, Bailey JM, Shih EI, Waterman J, Vinterbo SA, Stair TO, Guttag JV, Greenes RA, Ohno-Machado L, SMART An Integrated Wireless System for Monitoring Unattended Patients. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2008 January-February; 15(1):44-53.


  • AID-N(Advanced Health and Disaster Network)
  • Uses CodeBlue devices
  • Uses Flows routing (part of Flusk)


  1. Tia Gao; D. Greenspan; M. Welsh; R.R. Juang; A. Alm, "Vital Signs Monitoring and Patient Tracking Over a Wireless Network," Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2005. IEEE-EMBS 2005. 27th Annual International Conference of the , vol., no., pp.102-105, 2005


  • Domain: assisted living, circadian activity rhythms (CAR)
  • Network architecture:
    • Spans body networks, sensor networks and IP networks
    • Query service to collect data
    • Emphasis on dynamic security
    • Use CAR information for security and power management
  • Devices: heterogeneous - motes, PDAs and PCs
  • Sensors:
    • medical: pulse, blood oxygenaton
    • non-medical: temperature, light, infrared motion


  1. A. Wood, G. Virone, T. Doan, Q. Cao, L. Selavo, Y. Wu, L. Fang, Z. He, S. Lin, J. Stankovic, “ALARM-NET: Wireless Sensor Networks for Assisted-Living and Residential Monitoring,” Technical Report


WiiSard Trial

Patient Centric Network Project

Commercial products

IntelliVue Phillips

- uses 802.11a/e


  1. HealthNet 2007


Great resource for assisted living projects Band-aids